Who should be inspected and investigated?

All persons undertaking and conducting all forms of activities  including shipping and port activities within the declared port areas are subject to be inspected and investigated by the Port Manager.

Why Inspection/Investigation?

Carrying out regulatory compliance inspections / investigations brings to light abnormal practices, irregularities, breaches and violations of regulatory requirements to ensure minimum safety, security and environmental practice standards are maintained and observed by all stakeholders.

What is Inspected/Investigated?

  • Regulatory Breaches
  • Violations
  • Incidents & Accidents 
  • Port Developments
  • Port Facility Operations
  • Stevedoring Operations
  • Wrecks and Relics
  • Navigational Aids and hazards
  • Oil Spills, Air, Water and Land Pollutions.
  • Waterways, estuaries, wharves, jetties and marine infrastructures.
  • Vessels, vessel masters, agents and owners.
  • And any other activities that fall within the PNGHMS jurisdiction.

Who conducts inspection and investigation?

Inspection & Investigations are conducted by authorised officers of the Division who are identified by presentations of an Identification card or an instrument of appointment as authorised officers under Section 79 of the Ports (Management and Satety) Regulation 2010.

Powers of Authorised Officers

  1. Port Managers and Authorised officers have the following powers:
    (a) the power to require any person i a port to provide the person’s name and address and to produce such evidence as to the person’s identity, as may be reasonably required;
    (b) subject to any other law an with the consent of customs where necessary or appropriate to:
    (i) enter and inspect any part of the Port or facility, a vessel in a Port and any vehicle in a Port;
    (ii) take measurement and make test as required by their duties:
    (iii) inspect and take copies of documents; and                                       
    (iv) take photographs and remove specimens fo samples of any substance, material or things as is reasonable in the circumstances.
  2. Any  person  who  fails  to  comply  with  the  requirements of the ports (Managment and Safety) Regulator 2010, or hinders or obstructs a Port Manager or authority officer in the exercise or performance of a function, power, responsibility or duty under the Ports (Management and Safety) regulators 2010, is guilty of an offence, the penalty for which is prescribed under Section 83 of the Regulations.