a)     subject to any right of tenancy or occupation grant by or under any law, to control the use of the foreshores in a declared port; and

b)      to enter into contracts and agreements for or in respect of the performance of any of his functions or the exercise of any of his powers; and

c)       to require a person to remove or destroy, or to cause to be removed or destroyed, any object or thing that in his opinion in an obstruction, hindrance or danger to navigation in, or to the use of, a declared port by any vessel; and

d)      where, under Paragraph (c), the Departmental Head removes or destroys, or causes to be removed or destroyed, any object of thing, to recover from the owner of it, or from the person responsible for the placing or abandoning of it, the cost of the removal or destruction; and

e)      to appoint agents; and

f)       to do such other things as are required or permitted under the Act to be done by him.